Wednesday, May 29, 2013

I am not a blogger. Not even a little bit.

Case in point: It has taken me two hours (count em, 120 minutes at minimum) to set up my profile. This stuff is freakin HARD for me, you know? So many questions. Should I use Madie or Madison? Are my eyes too squinty in this picture? What in heaven's name is a blogger template? What will it say about me if I use an ocean background over the foresty background? Am I outdoorsy enough for either? 

I am sure I know what you are thinking. This kid is embarrassing herself. Someone needs to pull her aside and suggest she express herself via something much less public. And I would probably agree with you, oh mysterious blogger. There is a great chance that this could end up much like the myspace fiasco, where I google myself years later only to be reminded that there is in fact something with my real name plastered on it that contains far too many misspelled words and pictures of me doing the peace sign (I beg you, don't try and find it). 

However, as dull as I may seem God is using me in some cool ways this summer. Actually, not just this summer. God has been doing some pretty sweet things since Day 1. If you stick around and keep up with my blog (did I just say that? I'm mortified. Could we rename this- creative writing space? online journal? ANYTHING but 'my blog') I'd love to share with you how He's moving in my life and through the things that I'm involved in this summer.